Racines was dissolved, following a complaint of the General Prosecutor at the request of the governor of Casablanca-Anfa acting for the Interior Ministry. The decision of dissolution was pronounced by the civil court of first instance of Casablanca on December 26, 2018. This judicial decision acts hangs like a sword of Damocles above associative freedom in Morocco, highlighting the contradiction between the dominant discourse and reality on the ground. It is even more likely to amplify the cleavages within Moroccan society, whereas there is an urgent need to focus on citizen emancipation, public services, accountability, the fight against radicalisms…This is a call to support freedom of expression and association so that Moroccan civil society, in all its diversity, can play its constitutional role as a democratic counter-power that calls government to account. Because one of the conditions for the existence of democracy is freedom of expression and association, the decision to dissolve Racines is worrying in several aspects. It augurs an uncertain future for Moroccan civil society, putting it on a more repressive track at a time when it is urgent to emphasize universal values, such as fundamental freedoms – especially freedom of expression – and citizen emancipation, that are inscribed in the Moroccan Constitution and in international treaties ratified by Morocco.
Link of the petition