The Moroccan South-East is a region where the mines are numerous and important. They generate income and jobs essential to the well-being of local populations. It is in this context that the program of development of mining areas in the South East of Morocco was launched jointly by the Forum des Alternatives Morocco (FMAS), the associative network for development and democracy of Zagora (RAZDED), and the Group MANAGEM as 1st investor in the field of mining in this region.
This ambitious programme is to place sustainable development at the heart of a debate to which are invited all parties to this issue: institutional actors, local and national, fabrics associations, businesses, and of course the local populations. The idea is to enable Moroccan Southeast to develop on the long time in terms of education, health and general wellbeing. It is in this perspective that the debate has been launched on 20 and 21 April 2012 to Zagora through one meeting between the FMAS, the RAZDED and the Carlos group at the end of which took shape the project of a development strategy of mining areas and their environments in southeastern Morocco.
A participatory consultation process is at work for nine months to allow of southeastern populations to express themselves, to define their needs and priorities. This allowed of actual exchanges and the beginning of an action for the promotion of sustainable development in this region of the Morocco. The 3 parts (FMAS, RAZDED and MANAGEM) were able to identify what defines this culture of development they call their greeting. Indeed, this culture of sustainable development is to put humans at the centre of development, to promote a culture of consensus, to integrate into the debate the issues related to women and children, creating an attractive and favourable investment environment.
The priority plan 2012: the 'education' pane promoted
Specifically, this program of development of the Moroccan southeastern comes first in the form of a plan priority 2012, including, the roadmap was drawn up at a meeting in Marrakech on May 7, 2012, in the presence of representatives of the authorities, local authorities, associations, and populations. In parallel, numerous workshops and meetings have emerged under the aegis of the FMAS, the RAZDED and the Carlos group. This priority programme thus revolves around 37 projects responding to the most pressing needs of the populations. It took approximately 10 million dirhams, fully financed by the Carlos group. The absolute priority of the 2012 plan is the field of education, where the children of the Imider municipality did not follow curriculum during the 2011-2012 year. To address this deficiency, holiday camps have put in place in the months of August and September 2012 so as to provide children a psychological support and upgrading through educational support. Thanks to an investment of all parties, this "holiday camps" operation has proved to be a great success, which allowed a school of undeniable quality.
The 2013-2015 strategic plan: a more profound response to populations
This priority plan 2012, while being in itself an objective of immediate response to the urgent needs of the population, is also the beginning of a programme 2013-2015 for more ambitious sustainable development still. It is a program that seeks actors in a broader manner, such as ministries and public institutions, local communities, associations and other potential actors in most obviously by the local population who remains at the centre of all attention. The strategic plan 2013-2015 is estimated at 100 million dirhams, of which 45 million will be supported by the Carlos group.
The objectives of this strategic plan 2013-2015 include a capacity-building of local actors, the economic, social and cultural development the preservation of the environment, the establishment of infrastructure for health and education… All these areas will be treated in local debates to be held during the first half of the year 2013. This will be the opportunity to ask the opinion of people, which will be followed to the best claims depending on available budgets.
We will return course on the outcome of these debates in the weeks and months that come, so as to keep you informed of developments on this ambitious project which, we hope, will satisfy the needs of our Moroccan citizens in southeastern Morocco.